* Names marked with an asterisk are longer than 19 characters and cannot be used in-game as a character name.
The Override selectors allow you to force generation of a particular species, gender or class. You can combine these selectors in any combination Be sure to set the selector to the starting "-- TYPE --" value if you do not want the selector to take effect.
Human and Norn names are generated from real names in medieval English texts.
Charr and Asuran names are constructed from random syllables, and should be used as a guide for crafting names.
Sylvari names come from a catalog of contemporary and ancient poets, scholars and artists.
Ages are provided for the purpose of any Role Play activities and for helping set the appearance of a character.
Age ranges differ from race to race. Sylvari range from 1~25 years old (as the Sylvari only emerged fully grown 25 years prior to Guild Wars 2).
Age of suffrage for other races is determind as: Human=18, Norn=16, Charr=12, Asuran=12